Sunday, August 23, 2009


The word 'change' is very popular in the last 5 years. Many world leaders talk about change and how important we should be able to change that we can continue to survive and grow. Whether consciously or not we envolve into the natural mechanisms that everything exists in this world must be changed. If it is a human being, he / she will undergo a process of birth, tiny baby, learn to walk, learn to talk, go play group, kindergarten, elementary school and so on until become a human adult, working and finally ... old and die. Thus, change is certain and natural. People say nothing is certain or permanent except the change itself. Whether aware or not, whether agree or not, changes will still continue to exist and run. And we are in it!
So what is interesting, different and specific, and provide value-added of the concept of Change which is meant by the scholars, scientists, cultural experts with a variety of books in the last 5 years? What kind of change Change is meant by the social problem observer, the student activists, NGOs with a variety of discussion forums?
This blog will be an open forum to serve and invite all friends who are interested in the concept of a light discussion about the Change or alteration. Hopefully useful and provide positive feedback for all of us. I invite all parties to comment.

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