Monday, November 2, 2009

Introduction: Seven features Basic Character to Create 'Miracle' in our life.

Still related to the previous post, the change would be much better starts from us. If we have already changed for a better condition, the aura of goodness will spread affect and influence other people around us. If our environment has changed better, then the change will affect the surrounding environment too.. and so on.
So let’s begin making a change starting from: OURSELVES. Let’s make ourselves become an amazing "Agent of Change”.

In the following articles and some articles that will follow later, I still will be sharing the personal change as the foundation of our environment changes and its surroundings. This point of view is compiled from the amazing book entitled: Unlimited Power, written by the Master of Achieving Peak Performance, Anthony Robbins.

Have you ever wondered whether the similarities between Jackie Chan and Jackson (The King of Pop)? Between Spielberg and Springsteen? Between John F. Kennedy with Martin Luther King? Soekarno with Mahatma Gandhi? Arnold Schwarzenegger with Ronald Reagan? Picasso and Affandy? One thing: each of them has managed to consistently push themselves to take effective measures toward achieving their dreams. But what ‘the hell’ that pushed them day after day mobilize all their capabilities in everything they do? Of course a lot of factors. But I believe there are 7 feature basic characters they had developed in them. The seven features of these basic characters we develop within ourselves to achieve personal change to the top of our dreams. The seven basic characters as the basic mechanism will be able to encourage us to do anything, which is necessary to realize our goals.

Okay, before I describe each of these seven feature characteristic, please you guess what they are, or just try to explore, about what are these things?


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